Master Dyslexia provides safe enjoyable and creative training methods for children, youth, and adults who experience difficulties with reading, spelling, writing, maths, learning, attention, and focus.
Dyslexia affects between 10-20% of people
Dyslexia can be a difficult, challenging and frustrating learning difference to live with. Individuals can experience anxiety and stress in school and at work, often covering up difficulties and developing coping strategies to combat dyslexic confusions. By viewing dyslexia as a gift – a set of special talents – and learning tools to control the confusions and related stresses and fears, dyslexic individuals can perceive text, symbols and numerals clearly and experience new-found success in reading, spelling, writing, and comprehension. This success leads to increased self-confidence and the willingness and ability to pursue previously out-of-reach activities and goals.
Licensed Davis Dyslexia Facilitator
Kia Ora Koutou and Hello Everyone!
I help young people and adults with dyslexia and related conditions develop mastery with their amazing brains. I have been on my own journey with dyspraxia (the ‘clumsy’ version of dyslexia) and ADHD and have seen many people benefit greatly from the Davis methods.
In my 30 years in adult and youth education, I met highly intelligent and motivated learners with clever neurodiverse brains, who often struggled with reading, spelling, writing, comprehension, focus or mathematics. At the heart of each of these struggles was dyslexia or a related condition.
It is my privilege and joy to work with neurodivergent people to master the various challenges their brains present, and to succeed and thrive in school, study, work and life.
Professional services described as Davis™, including Davis Mastery for Dyslexia®, Davis™ Symbol Mastery, Davis™ Orientation Counseling, Davis™ Mastery for Attention, Davis™ Mastery for Maths, and Davis™ Foundations for Learning Literacy may only be provided by persons who are trained and licensed as Davis Facilitators or Specialists by Davis Dyslexia Association International.