Davis Mastery for Maths Programme


Affecting between 3% and 6% of the population, dyscalculia is the maths version of dyslexia.
People with dyscalculia experience difficulties learning or understanding numbers, learning maths facts or calculating numbers.

Found in people across the whole IQ range, dyscalculia can also involve difficulties with measurement, time and spatial reasoning. 25% of people with dyscalculia have ADHD, due to the same concepts being incomplete or missing with both conditions.

Kid's Writing
Student having issue in study

Symptoms of dyscalculia include:

  • Knows maths answers, but can’t show them on paper

  • Reliance on finger-counting and other memorized procedures

  • May have difficulty counting objects or money

  • May fail at word problems, algebra or higher maths, but is competent at basic arithmetic.

At its heart, mathematics is about measuring change, in an ordered and sequential fashion. If an individual does not have a solid grasp of the concepts of change, consequence, time, sequence, order and disorder, their ability to understand and use mathematical concepts will be limited to memorization of facts, procedures and formulae. Confusion can cause disorientation for those with dyscalculia. When disoriented, a person no longer has accurate perception and understanding, leading to wrong information being adopted as true. Common areas for confusion in mathematics include:

  • Using the word ‘number’ to describe a quantity and a numeral e.g. 4 represents this many **** but there is only one numeral (digit).

  • Symbols like + and x can look similar when rotated 45 degrees

  • Words used to describe maths functions can be confusing for visual-spatial thinkers. e.g. the word ‘times’ in English can related to periods of time. In mathematics, it means ‘multiplied by’, as in 6 times 4 equals 24.

Davis Mastery for Maths Programme

Correcting learning problems associated with mathematics, this one-on-one programme addresses the following areas:

  • foundational concepts for learning and comprehending maths

  • numbers vs numerals, quantities and counting

  • addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

  • telling and keeping track of time

  • reading and using calendars

  • sequencing and logic.

As with other Davis programmes, Davis Mastery for Maths addresses disorientation and confusion by having the person learn to control their perceptions accurately. They then explore foundational mathematical concepts such as change, consequence, cause & effect, before & after, time, sequence, order & disorder through clay modelling and real-life experience. This aids them in developing their comprehension of the basic operations of arithmetic through conversation, clay modelling and exploring the operations in the real world.

Each operation builds upon the previous one, so we take time to ensure each operation is thoroughly mastered in clay before moving on. Only when all arithmetic concepts have been mastered do we move on to pencil and paper.

I loved working with Rachel. I was really worried about my numbers as I had spent my life avoiding looking stupid when
maths things showed up around other people. It made me feel very vulnerable.
Rachel’s steady kindness and the gentle pace she goes at and kept at were so reassuring.
Now, when I find myself getting disoriented I hear her voice saying… “Use your tools Vicki” and I do and I’m Okay!
Rachel is very professional in her approach.

But more than that she works with love as well as integrity.

Vicki – Retired Teacher, Counsellor, Social Entrepreneur, and Grandmother

You Will Receive

For a Davis Mastery of Maths Programme, individuals are provided with the following:

A no-obligation Initial Consultation

An individualised, 35-48 hour programme

Support Training for a family member or tutor

Unlimited phone and email support and three in-person review sessions

Davis Mastery for Maths Kit with all materials required for follow-up work

Dyscalculia can be resolved!

Don’t wait and have your child or yourself suffer with maths issues any longer!

Contact me for help with Dyscalculia

At Master Dyslexia, I’m passionate about helping individuals shift their maths learning difficulties into learning talents, maximizing their potential in many aspects of life. I work with the tried and tested Davis method to help neurodivergent people correct their perceptions of numbers, maths symbols, change, time, sequence, order and disorder, empowering them to take control of their maths learning and success. If you’d like to learn more about dyscalculia solutions, don’t hesitate to contact me today.

Professional services described as Davis™, including Davis Mastery for Dyslexia®, Davis™ Symbol Mastery, Davis™ Orientation Counseling, Davis™ Mastery for Attention, Davis™ Mastery for Maths, and Davis™ Foundations for Learning Literacy may only be provided by persons who are trained and licensed as Davis Facilitators or Specialists by Davis Dyslexia Association International.