The Facilitator

Kia ora koutou – my name is Rachel

I am a licensed Davis Dyslexia Facilitator based in Kāpiti Coast, 35 minutes from Wellington, New Zealand.  

I first encountered dyslexia when I discovered a very clever friend of mine struggling to respond to my texts. I read The Gift of Dyslexia to him, and he almost cried and said “That’s me – that’s why I hate writing texts and emails!” At that time, I didn’t have any tools to help him, but I became more aware of the challenges people with dyslexia and related conditions faced, and that dyslexia was in fact a form of giftedness.

I help young people and adults with dyslexia and related conditions develop mastery with their amazing brains. I have been on my own journey with dyspraxia (the ‘clumsy’ version of dyslexia) and have seen many people benefit greatly from the Davis methods.

In my 30 years in adult and youth education and facilitation, I have worked with learners of all ages in transformational programmes, adult education and adult literacy; in settings as diverse as corporate, government, Wānanga, prisons and community. In all these settings, there were highly intelligent and motivated learners with clever neurodiverse brains, who often struggled with reading, spelling, writing, comprehension or mathematics. At the heart of each of these struggles was dyslexia or a related condition.

An opportunity to commence the Davis Dyslexia Facilitator training in 2018 was a dream come true.

“I finally have the tools to help people with amazing neurodiverse brains achieve the practical and academic success they are so capable of, in a way that is fun, enjoyable and creative.”

  • Licensed Davis Dyslexia Facilitator
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Adult Education (Literacy and Numeracy)
  • Diploma in Adult Education and Training
  • National Certificate in Adult Literacy and Numeracy Education

I deliver Davis programmes to individuals of all ages in my home in Kāpiti, in a peaceful dedicated room with natural light and a treed outlook.  I am also available to deliver programmes in schools, tertiary institutes and organisations and by arrangement can travel to other locations outside of the Wellington region.

Interested in finding out more?

Contact me for a free, non-obligation chat
Dev site - Master Dyslexia