Davis Maths Mastery Programme


Affecting between 3% and 6% of the population, dyscalculia is the maths version of dyslexia. Individuals with dyscalculia       
experience difficulties learning or understanding numbers, learning maths facts or manipulating numbers.

Found in people across the whole IQ range, dyscalculia can involve difficulties with measurement, time and spatial reasoning. 25% of people with dyscalculia have ADHD, due to the same concepts being incomplete or missing with both conditions.

maths dyslexia
maths dyslexia

Symptoms of dyscalculia include:

  • Knows maths answers, but can’t show them on paper
  • Reliance on finger-counting and other memorized procedures
  • May have difficulty counting objects or money
  • May fail at word problems, algebra or higher maths, but is competent at basic arithmetic.

At its heart, mathematics is about measuring change, in an ordered and sequential fashion. If an individual does not have a solid grasp of the concepts of change, consequence, time, sequence, order and disorder, their ability to understand and use mathematical concepts will be limited to memorization of facts, procedures and formulae. Confusion can cause disorientation for those with dyscalculia. When disoriented, a person no longer has accurate perception and understanding, leading to wrong information being adopted as true. Common areas for confusion in mathematics include:
  • Using the word ‘number’ to describe a quantity and a numeral e.g. 4 represents this many **** but there is only one numeral (digit).
  • Symbols like + and x can look similar when rotated 45 degrees
  • Words used to describe maths functions can be confusing for visual-spatial thinkers. e.g. the word ‘times’ in English can related to periods of time. In mathematics, it means ‘multiplied by’, as in 6 times 4 equals 24.

Davis Maths Mastery Programme

Correcting learning problems associated with mathematics, this one-on-one programme addresses the following areas:
  • foundational concepts for learning and comprehending maths
  • numbers vs numerals, quantities and counting
  • addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
  • telling and keeping track of time
  • reading and using calendars
  • sequencing and logic.

As with other Davis programmes, Davis Maths Mastery addresses disorientation and confusion by having the individual learn to control their perceptions accurately. They then explore foundational mathematical concepts such as change, consequence, cause, effect, before, after, time, sequence, order and disorder through clay modelling and real-life experience. This aids them in developing their comprehension of the basic operations of arithmetic through conversation, clay modelling and exploring the operations in the real world.

Each operation builds upon the previous one, so we take time to ensure each operation is thoroughly mastered in clay before moving on. Only when all arithmetic concepts have been mastered do we move on to pencil and paper.

“I loved working with Rachel. I was really worried about my numbers as I had spent my life avoiding looking stupid when maths things showed up around other people. It made me feel very vulnerable. Rachel’s steady kindness and the gentle pace she goes at and kept at were so reassuring. Now, when I find myself getting disoriented I hear her voice saying… “Use your tools Vicki” and I do and I’m Okay! Rachel is very professional in her approach.
But more than that she works with love as well as integrity.”

Vicki – Retired Teacher, Counsellor, Social Entrepreneur, and Grandmother

For a Davis Maths Mastery Programme
individuals are provided:

A no-obligation Initial Consultation

An individualised, 35-48 hour programme with Rachel Barwell

Support training for a family member or tutor

Unlimited phone and email support with Rachel Barwell

Davis Maths Mastery Kit with all materials required for follow-up work

Dyscalculia can be corrected!

Don’t wait and have your child or yourself suffer with maths issues any longer!

Interested in finding out more?

Contact me for a free, non-obligation chat

Master Dyslexia's Guide To Dyscalculia

Many people struggle with maths, but for some, the challenges go beyond the typical frustrations of not understanding a particular problem. For some people, no matter how hard they try, maths does not get any easier to grasp, and understanding always seems to be just out of reach – it may be a sign of dyscalculia. At Master Dyslexia, I provide dyscalculia solutions to help people struggling with the condition, teaching them to use their unique learning styles to their advantage. This guide has been created to help people better understand dyscalculia and support adults and children struggling with the condition.

What Is Dyscalculia?

Dyscalculia is often referred to as maths dyslexia, as it affects a person’s ability to understand basic and complex math problems. However, unlike dyslexia, dyscalculia doesn’t impact a person’s ability to read, just their ability to learn, do, and understand maths and number-based operations.

Mathematics is about measuring change in an ordered and sequential fashion. However, people with dyscalculia often don’t have a solid grasp of the concepts of change, consequence, time, sequence, order, and disorder, so their ability to understand and use math concepts will be limited to memorization of facts, procedures, and formulae. In many cases, people with dyscalculia will also have dyslexia, and those who have dyslexia will often have difficulty with maths, even if it isn’t dyscalculia.

Dyscalculia affects people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds and has nothing to do with intelligence. People with high, average, and low IQs can struggle with dyscalculia, and it can impact day-to-day activities such as cooking, counting money, grocery shopping, and getting to places on time. As research into dyscalculia is still relatively limited, many people are living with dyscalculia under the assumption that they’re ‘stupid’ or just bad at maths. Many cases of dyscalculia aren’t discovered until the individual is well into adolescence or adulthood. At Master Dyslexia, I believe it’s important for people to recognize the signs of dyscalculia, so those struggling with the condition can seek dyscalculia treatment and support earlier in their education.

Mathematics is about measuring change in an ordered and sequential fashion. However, people with dyscalculia often don’t have a solid grasp of the concepts of change, consequence, time, sequence, order, and disorder, so their ability to understand and use math concepts will be limited to memorization of facts, procedures, and formulae. In many cases, people with dyscalculia will also have dyslexia, and those who have dyslexia will often have difficulty with maths, even if it isn’t dyscalculia.

Dyscalculia affects people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds and has nothing to do with intelligence. People with high, average, and low IQs can struggle with dyscalculia, and it can impact day-to-day activities such as cooking, counting money, grocery shopping, and getting to places on time. As research into dyscalculia is still relatively limited, many people are living with dyscalculia under the assumption that they’re ‘stupid’ or just bad at maths. Many cases of dyscalculia aren’t discovered until the individual is well into adolescence or adulthood. At Master Dyslexia, I believe it’s important for people to recognize the signs of dyscalculia, so those struggling with the condition can seek dyscalculia treatment and support earlier in their education.

dyscalculia training

Symptoms Of Dyscalculia

Much like dyslexia, dyscalculia affects individuals differently and has a range of traits that are synonymous with the condition. Symptoms of dyscalculia include the following:

Dyscalculia Solutions NZ
  • Knowing the answers to maths problems but being unable to show how they got them on paper.
  • Reliance on finger-counting and other memorized procedures.
  • Difficulties counting objects or money.
  • Difficulties with word problems, algebra, or higher mathematical operations but competent at basic arithmetic.
  • Difficulties with time management
  • Issues processing visual-spatial concepts like graphs or charts.
  • Difficulties remembering phone numbers or any sequence of numbers.
  • Issues judging distances or length.
  • Issues remembering directions.
  • Difficulties telling left from right.
  • Frustration with games that require score-keeping or number strategies.
  • Difficulties reading clocks and telling time.
  • Issues with recognizing patterns.

How To Get A Dyscalculia Diagnosis For Yourself or Your Child

Before looking into dyscalculia solutions, you may want to seek out a professional diagnosis so you can locate the best possible treatment for yourself or your loved one. For adults, a diagnosis is more a form of confirmation that there is a cause behind their learning difficulties, and it points them in the right direction for treatment if they choose to take it. On the other hand, for children, a diagnosis may help them access extra support in the classroom and help them explain their differentiated learning style throughout their life.

  • See a doctor. The first step is to visit your local doctor or medical professional. Although dyscalculia isn’t a medical condition, you’ll need to rule out any potential medical issues such as hearing or vision impairments.

  • Ask for a referral. When visiting your doctor, ask if they can refer you to an educational psychologist or a specialist in learning difficulties. They will be able to point you in the direction of someone who can give you or your child an official diagnosis.

  • Seek out support. There are plenty of programs and support services available to people with dyscalculia. Through these services, they can access tools and strategies to help them learn and understand maths and number concepts. Master Dyslexia is one such service, conveniently based in the Wellington region.

How Can Master Dyslexia's Dyscalculia Solutions Help?

At Master Dyslexia, we use the Davis Maths Mastery Programme to correct learning problems associated with mathematics. We seek to address disorientation and confusion by having individuals learn to control their perceptions accurately. Through the use of clay modelling and real-life experience, we aim to develop comprehension of fundamental operations of arithmetic. Each operation builds on the previous one, and only when all concepts have been mastered through clay, do we move on to pencil and paper calculations. The program addresses:

• Foundational concepts for learning and comprehending maths
• Numbers vs numerals, counting, and quantities
• Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
• Telling and keeping track of time
• Reading and using calendars
• Sequencing and logic.

For Help With Dyscalculia Solutions, Contact Master Dyslexia

At Master Dyslexia, I’m passionate about helping individuals shift their maths learning difficulties into learning talents, maximizing their potential in many aspects of life. I adopt the tried and tested Davis method to help neurodiverse people correct their perceptions of numbers, maths symbols, change, time, sequence, order and disorder, empowering them to take control of their maths learning and success. If you’d like to learn more about dyscalculia solutions, don’t hesitate to contact me today.

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